PosiSoft.net is a secure way to store your measurement data including jobs, batches, readings, and report templates to the cloud.
Ideal for...
With the emergence of PosiSoft Desktop software as the most powerful data management and reporting solution, the PosiSoft.net user interface has been simplified. With the new PosiSoft.net Web Viewer, users are able to review data and print simple, pre-formatted PDF reports from any web browser—no software installation required.
Securely backup data for all PosiSoft Desktop data of your jobs, batches, readings, and report templates.
Login from PosiSoft on a new computer and start where you left off—no need to create new report templates or reorganize measurements into jobs.
Synchronize and share measurement data across multiple computers, inspectors, and office locations.
Ideal for inspection companies sharing data and reports with other authorized users and multiple copies of PosiSoft Desktop.
View, manage, and report readings from WiFi- connected PosiTector and PosiTest instruments located anywhere in the world.