
PosiTector® CMM IS

In Situ Concrete Moisture (RH) Meter

PosiTector CMM IS (concrete moisture meter in-situ) probes and free mobile app guide users through the ASTM F2170 documentation criteria. View and record readings wirelessly with your Apple or Android smart device, or PosiTector DPM Advanced gage

  • Measure and report relative humidity (RH) and temperature in concrete floor slabs in conformance with ASTM F2170
  • Fully reusable Smart Probes with included Calibration Check Chambers for optimal storage conditions and faster acclimation
  • No need to open the hole or remove the cap. Probes remain powered on for up to 3 weeks and broadcast wirelessly via Bluetooth while in situ
  • No consumables required—Combined sleeve and probe design simplifies the ASTM F2170 installation process
  • Rapid response precision probes provide accurate, repeatable readings
  • Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included (Long Form)



  • Easily collect and report RH measurements in conformance with ASTM F2170
  • No need to open hole or remove the cap. Probes remain powered on for up to 3 weeks and broadcast wirelessly via Bluetooth while in situ.
  • Combined sleeve and probe design simplifies the ASTM F2170 installation process. Does not require consumables.
  • Uses common coin cell batteries


  • Rapid response precision probes provides accurate, repeatable readings
  • Cal Check function automatically determines whether a probe is reading within tolerance
  • Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included
  • Test and document in-situ concrete moisture levels in full accordance with ASTM F2170


  • Reusable Smart Probes
  • Solvent, acid, oil, water and dust resistant—weatherproof
  • Two year warranty on probes


  • Rapid acclimation, reduced testing time
  • Blue LED confirms the probe is powered on and broadcasting
  • Includes free PosiTector mobile app for analyzing and reporting data


0° to 80° C
±0.5° C
0.1° C
32° to 175° F
±1° F
0.1° F
10 to 90%
* 0 – 65° C (32 – 150 ° F)

Expansion Packs (1, 4 and 16 packs available)

Add additional reusable PosiTector CMM IS smart probes as required. Each pack consists of a probe, calibration check chamber, saturated salt solution (NaCl), cap, 2 stackable probe extensions, and A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries

Replacement chambers, salt solutions, tools, caps and fins are available upon request

Kit Options

Select from 3 expandable Kits and add additional probes as required with our selection of Expansion Packs

illustration of PosiTest FM scale
Basic Kit
3 CMM IS probes
3 Saturated Salt Solutions
3 Calibration Check Chambers
3 Caps
6 Stackable Probe Extensions
Extraction Tool
Tape Measure
Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries
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illustration of PosiTest F scale
Complete Kit
5 CMM IS probes
5 Saturated Salt Solutions
5 Calibration Check Chambers
5 Caps
10 Stackable Probe Extensions
Extraction Tool
Tape Measure
Vacuum Tool Attachments
Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries
Hard shell carrying case
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illustration of PosiTest GM scale
Pro Kit
PosiTector DPM3 Advanced
5 CMM IS probes
5 Saturated Salt Solutions
5 Calibration Check Chambers
5 Caps
10 Stackable Probe Extensions
Extraction Tool
Tape Measure
Vacuum Tool Attachments
Ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries
Hard shell carrying case
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Expansion Packs:


Add additional probes
as required

1 Pack


1 CMM IS probe
1 Saturated Salt Solution
1 Calibration Check Chamber
1 Cap
2 Stackable Probe Extensions
2 coin cell batteries

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4 Pack


4 CMM IS probes
4 Saturated Salt Solutions
4 Calibration Check Chambers
4 Caps
8 Stackable Probe Extensions
10 coin cell batteries

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16 Pack


16 CMM IS probes
16 Saturated Salt Solutions
16 Calibration Check Chambers
16 Caps
32 Stackable Probe Extensions
40 coin cell batteries

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Video Thumbnail
PosiTector CMM IS Concrete Moisture Meter - In Situ
Video Thumbnail
New PosiTector Gage Body
Video Thumbnail
How to Measure Concrete Moisture using the PosiTest CMM Non-Destructive Concrete Moisture Meter

Two Ways to Report

bluetooth icon

PosiTector App

An easy-to-use mobile app (iOS/Android) that connects to your PosiTector CMM IS Smart Probes.

  • Displays the relative humidity and temperature of all PosiTector CMM IS Probes
  • Record the date and time of all measurement steps in accordance with ASTM F2170
  • Include a Blueprint, drawing and images to overlay precise hole/probe locations
  • Automatically generate custom, professional PDF reports with all information required by ASTM F2170 - Include on-site pictures, screen captures, notes and more
An image of a hand holding a phone using the PosiTector App with the PosiTector CMM IS planning map
A collage of screenshots from the PosiTector App while using it with the PosiTector CMM IS

PosiTector DPM Advanced

*PosiTector DPM Advanced model included with the Pro Kit

  • Displays the relative humidity and temperature of all PosiTector CMM IS Probes as well as the relative humidity and ambient temperature of the PosiTector DPM probe
  • Storage of 250,000 datasets in up to 1,000 batches
  • Includes PosiSoft Suite of solutions for analyzing and reporting data
PosiSoft Suite of Software literature thumb
Image of PosiTector DPM with readings on the screen from the PosiTector CMM IS



Why test for moisture in concrete floor slabs?

When mixing concrete, water must be added to create a workable mix, and to allow the cement to hydrate and cure. After hardening, much of this water remains as moisture within the porous concrete slab. Over the following months, this moisture is slowly emitted from the concrete until it eventually equalizes with the surrounding moisture levels.

When applying flooring materials or coatings to concrete, it is critical to ensure that the moisture level inside the concrete has decreased to acceptable levels. If not, moisture can accumulate below the flooring or coating, causing discoloration, cupping, buckling, blistering, adhesive failure, and mold growth. Flooring manufacturers recommend testing concrete moisture levels to verify RH readings are within proper tolerance, before installing a floor system.

ASTM F2170—"Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity on Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes"


What is an in situ concrete moisture meter?

As specified in ASTM F2170, in situ concrete moisture meter probes are placed within drilled holes in the concrete. The in situ probe can then measure the relative humidity (RH) and temperature within the concrete floor. In-situ probes directly measure the actual moisture conditions within the concrete using precision digital sensors-regardless of mix, aggregate types, floor thickness, or surface conditions. Potential sources of error are minimized compared to other methods, and in-situ sensors can be calibrated with traceability to national standards.

Several alternate technologies exist for measuring concrete moisture, each with limitations:

Non-destructive electronic concrete moisture meters measure the electrical impedance of the concrete, which is related to moisture levels. However, these meters can be affected by other factors such as variations in concrete composition, and the presence of reinforcing materials. ASTM recommends that these instruments be used as a comparator, and not for determining absolute moisture content.

The anhydrous calcium chloride concrete moisture test involves measuring the increase in weight of salt as it collects moisture from an encapsulated area of the concrete surface. However, significant doubts concerning the accuracy of this test have arisen. There is no practical way to calibrate these kits, they measure moisture only on the surface of the concrete, and they are heavily influenced by ambient conditions.


How do I view my PosiTector CMM IS readings?

PosiTector CMM IS probes communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth with either thePosiTector App (iOS/Android) or PosiTector DPM Advanced instruments.

Both solutions offer the ability to wirelessly view and store readings from PosiTector CMM IS probes.

  • The PosiTector app has a custom interface for taking measurements in accordance with ASTM F2170, and allows users to import a PDF blueprint or image and overlay hole/probe locations. The date and time of all measurement steps can also be recorded. A custom PDF report including all data and metadata required by ASTM can be generated at the touch of a button.
  • PosiTector DPM Advanced instruments display the relative humidity (RH) of the concrete slab and temperature measurements fromPosiTector CMM IS probes alongside the ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH) measurements from the connected PosiTector DPM probe. Easily store datasets into memory for later reporting with the PosiSoft suite of software.

How is the PosiTector CMM IS different than other in situ instruments?

The PosiTector CMM IS has numerous advantages over competitive in situ concrete moisture measurement solutions. Two of the largest innovations are the unique combined sleeve/probe design and being truly wireless; using Bluetooth communication:

  • A combined sleeve and probe design makes PosiTector CMM IS probes easier to install. Requires no consumables. Easily remove probes from the hole using the extraction tool.
  • Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 communication allows measurements to be taken without the need for a reader device, and without having to open the hole. Quick-pairing Bluetooth Smart technology allows for faster, easier inspections.

How should I store the PosiTector CMM IS probes when not in use?

DeFelsko recommends storing the PosiTector CMM IS probes in the Calibration Check Chamber when not in use. The Calibration Check Chamber and Saturated Salt Solution are designed in accordance with ASTM E104 to maintain a constant relative humidity environment of 75.3% @ 25° C, allowing quick verification of accuracy before use in accordance with ASTM F2170.


Does temperature affect relative humidity readings within the Calibration Check Chamber?

Yes. The Calibration Check Chamber and Saturated Salt Solution were designed to maintain a constant relative humidity (RH) of 75.3% @ 25°C. Relative Humidity (RH) variation due to temperature fluctuation for the Calibration Check Chamber is shown in table 1. When verifying accuracy of PosiTector CMM IS probes, it is important to maintain a constant temperature within the chamber for 24 hours prior to measurement.


How long do the batteries typically last?

A typical battery will continuously power the probe for up to 3 weeks. The battery should be removed when not in use.


How are the PosiTector CMM IS probes calibrated at DeFelsko?

Each PosiTector CMM IS probe is calibrated against known conditions using NIST traceable equipment. A Long Form Certificate of Calibration containing actual measured values is included with each probe.


What is the cost to recertify the PosiTector CMM IS probes?

DeFelsko charges $95 for the first three probes, and $30 each probe thereafter. Therefore, the cost to recertify 5 probes is $155 ($95 for the first three probes and $60 for the additional two).


How does the PosiTest CMM differ from the PosiTector CMM IS?

The PosiTector CMM IS measures concrete moisture as described in the ASTM F2170 test Method. It involves drilling a hole into the concrete (generally 40% of the depth of the slab), and using an electronic relative humidity probe to quantitatively measure the moisture directly in the slab. It is a destructive test that requires at least 24 hours of being in-situ before an acceptable reading is taken.

The PosiTest CMM measures concrete moisture as described in the ASTM F2659 test method using a non-destructive electronic impedance meter to instantaneously measure comparative moisture content within the top ¾” of a concrete slab.

Find the following helpful videos and articles to better understand concrete moisture measurement with in-situ probes or concrete moisture meters.

In-Situ concrete RH probe resources:

Video — "How to Measure Concrete RH (ASTM F2170) with the PosiTector CMM IS In-situ Concrete Moisture Meter"
Article — "How to Measure Concrete RH (Relative Humidity) in Compliance with ASTM F2170"

Concrete moisture meter resources:

Video — "How to Measure Concrete Moisture using the PosiTest CMM Non-Destructive Concrete Moisture Meter"
Article — "How to Non-Destructively Test the Moisture Content of Concrete Slabs"


Expansion PacksExpansion Packs

Add additional, reusable PosiTector CMM IS Smart probes

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Stackable Probe ExtensionsStackable Probe Extensions

For extending PosiTector CMM IS probe height in concrete slab thicknesses deeper than 4 inches

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Extraction ToolExtraction Tool

Replacement extraction tool for use with the PosiTector CMM IS.

Available in packs of 3.

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Replacement FinsReplacement Fins

Replacement fins for the PosiTector CMM IS

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Replacement BatteriesReplacement Batteries

Available in packs of ten A-76/LR-44 coin cell batteries for use with the PosiTector CMM IS.

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Replacement CapsReplacement Caps

Replacement caps for use with the PosiTector CMM IS

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Salt Solution 10 PackSalt Solution 10 Pack

A 10-pack of the Salt Solution for use with the PosiTector CMM IS

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