2021 PaintSquare Prestige Award Winner!

PosiTector® DPM L Series

Dew Point Meter Loggers

Magnetic probes attach to steel structures for monitoring climatic conditions.

  • Measures and records climatic conditions including: relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature, difference between surface and dew point temperatures, and wet bulb temperature.
  • Fast response, precision sensors provide accurate, repeatable readings
  • Environmentally sealed enclosure – weatherproof, dustproof, and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Internal memory storage of 10,000 datasets (60,000 readings)
Conforms to ISO 8502-4, BS 7079-B4, ASTM D3276, IMO PSPC, SSPC-PA7 and US Navy NSI 009-32


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  • Attaches to steel structures to measure and record environmental parameters independently for up to 200 days (DPM L) or 600 days (DPM L+)
  • Records parameters at user selected intervals from 1 min. to 8 hrs.
  • Connect via Bluetooth to an Apple/Andriod device to view live data, configure settings, start logging, and email reports
  • Uses common CR2032 Coin cell (PosiTector DPM L) or AAA batteries (PosiTector DPM L+)
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  • Automatically generate user-formatted reports and share via email, text, and cloud storage services
  • Internal memory storage of 10,000 datasets (60,000 readings)- every stored dataset is date and time stamped


  • Environmentally sealed enclosure—weatherproof, dustproof, and shockproof—meets or exceeds IP65
  • Two-year warranty
  • Kensington Security Slot for anti-theft protection. PosiTector DPM L Lock, sold separately.
accurate icon


  • Fast response, precision sensors provide accurate, repeatable readings
  • Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included
  • Conforms to national and international standards including ISO and ASTM
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Surface Temperature
-10° to 0° C
± 1.5° C
0.1° C
>0° to 80° C
>80° to 100° C
± 0.5° C
± 1.5° C
14° to 32° F
± 2.7° F
>32° to 176° F
± 0.9° F
>176° to 212° F
± 2.7° F
0.1° F
± 0.5° C
0.1° C
± 1° F
Air Temperature
0.1° F
-76° to 140° F
Dew Point
0.1° C
-10° to 60° C
0.1° F
0 to 100%
14° to 140° F
-60° to 60° C
± 3° C*
± 5.4° F*
± 3%

* Dependent on RH. See Dew Point (Td) Accuracy for more information.

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Two Powerful Solutions

Includes ALL features as shown above plus...

PosiTector DPM L

Ideal for unattended logging of environmental data
Includes ALL features as shown above plus...
  • Includes all listed features

PosiTector DPM L+

Ideal for unattended logging and remote monitoring of environmental data
  • Automatically upload readings to PosiSoft.net at user-specified intervals to remotely monitor conditions (WiFi network required)
  • Configure email alarms for notification when conditions exceed pre-set thresholds
  • USB port for supplying continuous power
  • Automatically group readings into batches daily, weekly, or monthly intervals
ALL GAGES COME COMPLETE with air/surface temperature sensors, RH sensor, two batteries, protective cover, instructions, Long Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST, and two year warranty.

Ordering Guide

PosiTector DPM L
PosiTector DPM L
Dew Point Meter Logger
10,000 datasets
battery type/Life
CR2032 Lithium / Up to 200 Days
Measures and Records 6 Key Environmental Parameters
PosiTector App Compatible
2 Year Warranty
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PosiTector DPM L+
PosiTector DPM L+
Dew Point Meter Logger Plus
10,000 datasets
Battery Type/Life
AAA Alkaline / Up to 600 Days
Key Features
Measures and Records 6 Key Environmental Parameters
PosiTector App Compatible
2 Year Warranty
USB Port for Continuous Power
WiFi for Unattended Monitoring and Email Alarms
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In Stock
Same-day shipping if ordered by 2PM EST


Video Thumbnail
How to Remotely Log and Monitor Environmental Conditions with the PosiTector DPM L Series
Video Thumbnail
Serie PosiTector DPML en Español
Video Thumbnail
Measuring Environmental Conditions and Remote Monitoring with the Dew Point Meter Series
Video Thumbnail
New PosiTector Gage Body
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PosiTector DPM Webinar
Video Thumbnail
PosiTector DPM Dew Point Meter Overview

2 Ways to View Logged Readings


(PosiTector DPM L & PosiTector DPM L+)

Connect to the PosiTector App, an easy-to-use mobile app (iOS/Android) that wirelessly connects to PosiTector DPM L Series probes using Bluetooth.

  • Download all logged readings to the app for review and analysis
  • Automatically generate user-formatted reports and share via email, text, cloud storage services like Dropbox, and more
  • View Live Data to instantly measure current environmental data
  • Synchronize readings with PoiSoft.net


(PosiTector DPM L+)

Automatically upload readings to PosiSoft.net using a WiFi connection, to remotely monitor job site conditions from anywhere using a PC or Mac.

  • Upload readings to PosiSoft.net every hour to keep up-to-date with site conditions
  • Receive email alarms when any environmental parameter exceeds user-defined limits
  • Use the DPM Monitor feature to create customizable, live-updating charts of environmental data
  • Sync data to PosiSoft Desktop software, to archive data and create professional pre-formatted or customized reports
  • Share access to environmental data with other authorized users



How often should the PosiTector probe be recalibrated?

PosiTector probes include a Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST or PTB included (Long Form) with each probe—with no expiry or end date. They have no shelf life, therefore the length of time in the field is not a good indicator for recalibration intervals. Many organizations with quality programs and recertification programs require annual recalibrations, and this is a good starting point for most users. DeFelsko recommends that customers establish calibration intervals based upon their own experience and work environment. Based on our product knowledge, data and customer feedback, a one year calibration interval from the date the instrument was placed in service is a good starting point.


Is the PosiTector DPM L series calibrated at the factory?

The PosiTector DPM L and DPM L+ arrive fully calibrated and ready to measure. A Long-Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB is included, which documents actual readings taken by your instrument at our calibration laboratory on standards traceable to a national metrology institute. Beware of ‘Certificates’ or ‘Certificates of Conformance’ offered by competitors. These typically do not include actual instrument readings, and are often insufficient to meet common quality requirements.


How long does it take the logger to acclimate, and provide accurate readings in a new environment?

The PosiTector DPM L and PosiTector DPM L+, like other electronic dew point meters, require adequate time to acclimate to their operating environment. When moving between similar environments, the instruments will stabilize in a matter of seconds. However, when moving between environmental extremes (like between a dry, air conditioned vehicle and the warm, humid outdoors) it can take up to 30 minutes for readings to stabilize.

If left in a dry environment for an extended period of time, this stabilization process may take longer. To restore the original response time, wrap the sensor in a damp cloth overnight.


Is the PosiTector DPM L series suitable for logging temperatures inside an oven?

No. We do not recommend our PosiTector DPM L series for operation in an oven. Delicate internal components and assembly materials are prone to premature damage when subjected to prolonged use in a closed environment with temperatures greater than ≈ 50° C (122° F).

However, the PosiTest OTL Oven Temperature Logger with 6 K-type thermocouple ports is ideal for measuring and recording oven temperature profiles. A wide variety of temperature probes are available to measure up to 1,000° C (1832° F). The PosiTest OTL XT features an enhanced holder with heatsink for greater endurance at high temperatures.



How long does the battery last on a PosiTector DPM L?

Battery life depends on the user selected logging and sync intervals. Both the PosiTector DPM L and PosiTector DPM L+ can last several months.

For example, the PosiTector DPM L logging at 5 minute intervals will last up to 120 days. 1 hour intervals, will last 200 days.

The PosiTector DPM L+, on the other hand, has a larger capacity and can last 270 days with a 1 minute logging interval and 1 hour sync interval. Syncing only once every 24 hours increases the battery life to almost 2 years. The PosiTector DPM L+ includes a USB port for continuous power and extended logging.

The stated battery life is for unattended logging. Battery life is reduced while connected to the PosiTector app via Bluetooth.


What is the operating temperature range of the PosiTector DPM L series?

The normal operating temperature range of the PosiTector DPM L Series is -10 to 60° C (14° to 140° F). The PosiTector DPM L Series surface temperature probes can measure on surfaces up to 100° C (212° F) with short exposure times.


What are the differences between the PosiTector DPM L and PosiTector DPM L+?

Selecting the right instrument depends on the application, available connectivity options, and preferences.

Both the PosiTector DPM L and DPM L+ attach to steel structures to measure and record environmental parameters independently. Stored datasets can be downloading using an Apple or Android smart device running the PosiTector App.

The main differences are the available battery life and connectivity options.

PosiTector DPM L:

  • Battery Life – up to 200 days
  • Bluetooth Smart Technology allows direct communication with nearby iOS/Android smart devices and PosiTector Advanced instruments for downloading readings
  • Lithium ion coin cell battery

The PosiTector DPM L+:

  • Battery Life – up to  600 days
  • WiFi Technology automatically sends readings directly to the cloud-based PosiSoft.net - allowing jobsite conditions to be remotely monitored from any location in the world
  • Common AAA batteries


Do your instruments require any formal training for use? Do you offer ‘demo’ models?

No. Our instruments are designed for simple operation, feature easy-to-use menus, instruction manuals, and helpful videos. In lieu of demonstration models, we provide unlimited technical support via telephone and/or email, and a limited 30-day money back guarantee.


Still need help?

Before returning your gage or instrument for service, review the troubleshooting steps on the Troubleshooting guide, or speak with a member of our technical support team by calling +1-315-393-4450.


Replacement FiltersReplacement Filters

10 pack of replacement filters for the PosiTector DPM L and PosiTector DPM L+

Learn MoreLearn More
Replacement BatteriesReplacement Batteries

Available in packs of five (5) CR2032 batteries.

For use with the PosiTector DPM L.

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PosiTector DPM L Series LockPosiTector DPM L Series Lock

Optional Lock for PosiTector DPM L Series.

Keeps both PosiTector DPM L and PosiTector DPM L+ safe and secure.

Learn MoreLearn More


